Saturday, March 13, 2010


Folks, this is why I don't wear pink for Gaudete or Laetare Sundays... This really is a "Pepto-Bismol" moment, isn't it??


  1. You are definitely a crimson or deep purple vestment type.

  2. Just read all about Laetare Sundays as I have not seen this shade before. Do you have a choice with colors..?

  3. We have a choice: pink (or rose, as it's technically called) is an option, not a requirement, on the 3rd Sunday of Advent and 4th Sunday of Lent. The break in color is intended for Sundays that say the penitential seasons are more than 50% over, so rejoice (yes, Advent was for a long time regarded as a penitential time in preparation for Christmas). I'd rather simply be happy!
    For the record--someone has already described the shade of pink on Pope Benedict's vestments as "Pepto-Bismol."

  4. I pointed out to our priest last night that he could wear pink. I forget what he said. The others in the sacristy at the time seemed to be unaware. I pointed it out on the calendar, and he said, "but it also says violet. I'll take violet."


    I jsut found your blog. I must investigate further.

  5. I see a beautiful, humble and Holy soul radiating the Light of the Holy Spirit. With so many grave issues before us a society, i.e., the destruction of thousands of innocent preborn lives, the slaughtering of our Christian brothers and sisters, hunger, oppression, devastating earthquakes, and other great afflictions plaguing our world. Is pepto bismol or purple vestments really relevant? It totally blows my mind. May God have mercy on us.

  6. As you have made so clear, the gravity of the unexpected and the expected assaults on humans, is serious and numbing. Therefore, a little light humor can be a welcome antidote; even the Lord demonstrated a lightness of spirit, particularly with children.

  7. It is true, a little light humor is welcomed but in the proper context, and not when it dimishes the persona of the Holy Father. God knows we need to lift him up and not make an attempt at humor at his expense. I can't imagine the Lord demonstrating a lightness of spirit in this context.
