Friday, September 10, 2010


A thought: if we Americans want to think that all Muslims are anti-American terrorists because of the actions of a fanatical few, should not Muslims think all Americans are anti-Islamic terrorists because of the acions of a fanatical few (as proposed in Florida for tomorrow)?


  1. I strongly disagree with the premise that burning the Qur’an is somehow equivalent to hijacking jetliners and using them as missiles to kill thousands of people. The Florida pastor’s plan to destroy Muslim holy books is indeed deplorable, but the only ashes that remain will be those of books. Over 1000 bodies of 911 victims are reportedly unaccounted for. Their human ashes were spread all over Manhattan.

    I do not impugn all Muslims for the actions of the few extremists who perpetrated 911. But I cannot equate a book burning with the murderous actions of that day.

  2. I'm not, Rob; I am equating a conclusion drawn about an entire nation or religion based on the actions of a fanatical minority. We must remember some of the ashes of the victims of the 9-11 attack were Muslim ashes...

  3. I must voice a strong feeling that this whole scenario revolving around the decision to place this mosque in such close proximity to the site produced by the war-like events of 9/11 was well thought out. It is
    certainly testing the waters of peace or controversy -- it might even be called a distraction for consciences which have been dormant -- how and to what extent do we want to accept interference to our way of life.
    God has certainly been approached or reneged by the products of his
