Monday, April 25, 2011


Walking on the beach at Destin in twilight-night:  surf pounding (tide coming in), red and purple flags flying, sky clouding up & darkening in the SE (the direction of the gusting wind)...

"Man is the measure of all things."  Protagoras believed this; Plato challenged it.  Let anyone who thinks this simply join me in walking the beach and realize that we are not "the measure," we are not "in charge."  Let them read Psalm 93 again and glory in the One who is truly in and over and above all things...

1 comment:

  1. Our souls are so nourished by the walks in the sands by the sea...just the thought of those waves brings the whiff of the salt in the breeze as it bathes our faces. No, we could not have spun off this creation of the Lord -- our sand sculptures slowly melt away with the wash of the waves. This aspect of nature, even in its calmer moments, is not controllable, and we thank our Lord God for these quiet times. Today is not the day for the sea's unrelenting power to overwhelm God's people.
    Let us bow down and pray in thanksgiving for His goodness.
